
Education Opinion

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Is Dental Education Worth the Cost

2 min read

Dentists play a vital function in the oral health of patients. It is an honorable and influential profession that takes years of practice and training. However, a degree in dentistry is listed as one of the most expensive degrees you can get.

Despite the heavy costs implied in dental school, the field still provides a more suitable investment as the dentists’ needs will increase. Every career has its challenges, and like any other profession, you should take some time to decide if a career in dentistry is worth it. It is also essential to know if there will be a return on investment at the end of the course.

What is the Average Cost of a Dental School Education?

Dental school fee structures vary from one school to the other. Some overall factors can affect a students’ education debt after graduation. The average dental school in the United States ranges from $21,600 for an in-state and $64,800 for a non-resident. The figures are exclusive of lab dues, pre-clinical supplies, scrubs, the price of specific exams, and dental kits.

Students take eight years of dental school before being part of a renowned team of dentists. This period includes four years of undergraduate school and four years of dental school. After that, they earn either a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) or a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.D.M).

Some dentists who go ahead to specialize in a specific area of dental care receive an extra 2-4 additional years of training in other medical fields.

Great Reasons for Being a Dentist

Some of the main advantages of being a dentist include:

  1. Service to Others

A dentist helps improve people’s quality of life by improving their oral health. As a dentist, you will spend most of your time helping people, which is very rewarding.

  1. Respected Profession

A dentist is a highly respected and trusted person by the community. Many patients seek medical treatment every day and trust their dentists to deliver the best dental healthcare.

  1. Job Stability

Dentistry is a stable career that is always on demand. As the need for cosmetic dentistry increases, more jobs will be available in the dentistry field.

  1. Self-employment

As a dental practitioner, you have the option of owning your dental practice and be your boss.

  1. Balanced Lifestyle

A career in the dental field allows flexibility. You can balance work, family, and social life. If you own your dental practice, you may choose how many days to work in a week.

  1. Technology and Research

As a dental practitioner, you have the potential to be involved in the scientific research of advanced dental healthcare. You are also prone to be artistic in scientific talents.

These are some of the compelling reasons why dental education is worth the cost. It is a gratifying profession, as well. The truth is, dentistry can be overly burdensome at times. However, the fact that you get to change peoples’ lives for the better drastically is fulfilling in so many ways.


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