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How to keep kids learning in the summer holidays?

2 min read

Summer days are at their peak now, and most of the kids have got their holidays started, and they are at home now. They want to stay busy all the time, and for the parents, it is pretty challenging to keep them busy. On the other hand, most kids do not have anything to study these days, so the pressure is on the parents that the kid is not studying and not learning at all. If you want to keep them busy, it becomes tough to make them sit and learn, and at that time, you want to give them something that would make them sit and learn, but what to do?

Fortunately, your kids can follow many healthy and creative learning activities when they are accessible at home in the summer holidays. The list of all these activities is based upon strengthening the skills of the kids and making sure that they learn better. Now take a look at this list and ask yourself how many of these activities can you do with your kids at home.

  • Have a diary for each kid that you can name as a summer task diary in which they would scribble out everything they are doing in the summer days. Let them write freely without any restrictions and enhance their vocabulary by adding new words each day. You can tell them to draw specific pictures as well, which would show their activities, and then they can color them.
  • You can make the kids busy making the postcards by hand for the friends and family members. They can write the cards, decorate them, make whatever they want in them, and then post them as well. Putting the stamps on the cards and then posting them in the post office would be a new experience for most kids.
  • You can take the kids on educational trips to the historical places, museums, natural history and wildlife parks where they would see and learn a lot. They can then write their experiences in their diary as well.
  • Reading is a mind-opening activity that keeps your child busy in the most positive way. You can take your kids to a library or book shop and let them choose whatever they want for reading. Or you could enroll them in some summer reading slide or such programs to enhance the skills of the kids for learning.
  • The math skills, such as addition and subtraction, can grow well if you positively budget the kids. Try giving them pocket money and teaching them to stay within the budget to learn how to spend the money and how to calculate and manage the budget.
  • Board games are also something very creative, and they increase the skills of the kids as well. So get them the board games and ask them to play together so that their skills get polished.

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