
Education Opinion

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Reasons why you need report comment writing software

3 min read

Every teacher knows how much it takes to keep with administrative duties, plan lessons, assessing students, and writing their report comments at the end of the semester. By the time holidays are approaching, you are already tired, and all you want is rest or spend time with your family.

Teachers are parents too, and their children equally need their time on the weekends.

Being available for your family creates unity and peace, especially if you still have a young family. That is why it is important to save on time when writing general report comments for your students. You can effectively do this through report comment writing software designed by a team of teachers like you, who understands the needs of both teachers and students.

Here are the reasons why you should use report writing comments software:

  • Highly professional

Report writing software comes with several comment options that have been designed to resemble a teacher’s professional assessment, written in a parent-friendly format. The comment options are grouped accordingly, depending on the learning area. For instance, there are academic report comments and general report comments. Academic report comments are grouped subject wise as they cover different parts of the curriculum, while general report comments cover students’ behaviour, effort and personality traits. There is also an option for Individual Education Plans (IEPs).

  • Fast and easy to use

After uploading the class list on the system, everything else is as simple as counting numbers. The software generates comments, and all you have to do is choose the right one. Even after commenting, you can still edit or move onto the next options of comments. Finally, you can easily export as a PDF or Word document and then print them out for students!

  • Can be used anywhere

The best thing about report writing comments software is that it can be used anywhere since it is online. That means that if you planned to write comments on the weekend, you could comfortably do it from home. It is also accessible via any gadget that can connect to the internet, be it a desktop PC, laptop, or even tablets.

  • Linked to the Australian Curriculum

Commenting on the reports of your students is also be linked to the Australian, Western Australian, and Victorian curriculums. Therefore, everything will be consistent with our national and state education requirements.

  • Free trial

Lastly, there is a free trial that allows you to learn everything and get clarity on all of our features. You can also use the free trial period to check for compatibility with the of your students. This means that you get to test the software before indulging in it fully. Moreover, this is the time to explore all the comment options available for different subjects.

Times are changing, and technology is fast catching up with society. The beauty of technology is that it leaves a trace, and therefore everything you do via such software will be stored securely for future reference. As for student’s performance, it is the best way of tracking their academic progress from anywhere you are! You can access your account from anywhere that has an internet connection.

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