
Education Opinion

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Tesilab: Your Online Thesis Printing

2 min read

Are you doing your thesis to prepare for your degree? As you know, things are not as easy as before nowadays due to the global pandemic, including graduating. Back then, you can freely go to the library and printing office to finalize your thesis. But now, we are all forced not to go outside except for emergencies in order to stop the spread of the virus. But this does not mean you should delay your graduation. You can rely on Tesilab as an easy come stampare la tesi.

What is Tesilab?

Tesilab is an online printing laboratory of degree theses. It has been in the digital printing industry for more than 45 years so that you can ensure their quality, experience, and professionality.  This online printing laboratory is the web synthesis of a process that for many years has seen them as a protagonist in services to students and university lecturers. After more than 45 years, Tesilab decided to land with one of their most successful services in the digital world.

This is how the Tesilab website was born. It was precisely the numerous feedback that they received from the university world that encouraged them in this new direction. Among thousands of students whom they have been serving over the years, Tesilab began to develop this splendid project since many of the students from Italy confessed that they cannot count on a precise and punctual service like Tesilab in their regions.

The team of this printing website consists of competent graphic designers, expert printers, and consultants who are ready to help you with your various needs. Tesilab promises you confidentiality and professionalism. Your online thesis and data will be treated in the strictest confidence and therefore for exclusively printing and binding.

Why Choose Tesilab?

Tesilab offers simple, easy come stampare la tesi. You can have your thesis in just exactly 4 steps: upload your PDF, personalize your thesis, check the preview, and lastly, order and receive at your home. With Tesilab, you can conveniently, quickly, and professionally print your thesis. They have selected the best materials available for quality, reliability, and durability in order to guarantee you the best result at the most affordable price.

They aim to enhance the hard work that has brought you to this important milestone by offering their precise, punctual, and professional printing service. What makes this online printing amazing is that they use 100% recycled paper. They choose 100% recycled paper to offer you at the same price as traditional paper. It is exclusively produced with wastepaper and branded EU Ecolabel and Blauer Engel, certifying the reduced environmental impact of the product.

With this preference, you will contribute to save and preserve our Earth as well. Considering an average of 3 theses of 100 pages per graduate student, by printing on their 100% recycled paper compared to traditional paper, you will potentially avoid the emission of 1 kg of CO2 as well as 3 kg of wood, 54 litres of water, and 9 kWh of energy. Isn’t it amazing?

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