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How to Improve Essay Writing Skills: Quick Tips for Non-Native Speakers  

3 min read

If you don’t speak English natively, this article is for you.

Many college students, especially the international ones, used to be very bad writers, mainly because they have learned English as a second language at high school and they used to write only some creative blog posts from time to time. If you’re a non-native English speaking student looking to boost your writing skills, there are some things that you can do and online resources you can make use of in order to improve your writing, reading and speaking skills.


#1 Become a Grammar Geek

Ensure to take one of the basic comprehensive courses available online to boost your grammar in your own space. Thus, you will understand all the nuances and rules of English grammar that are a must-have for writing a paramount quality essay, coursework, research or term paper, dissertation or a book review up to the existing writing standards.


#2 Take a Night Class or Join a Workshop

A lot of college students balk at the very idea of standing in front of the strangers and baring their soul to the audience. However, joining a professional writing workshop is an effective way to both – perfect your essays writing skills and have a lot of fun! Just pick the topics, write an essay on it, listen to the feedback of the writing meet-up gang, and then ensure to revise it and improve. Just like that.


#3 Take Notes

While watching TV shows, movies or reading books in English, do not forget to take notes! For even more effective learning, it’s best to put down every idiomatic phrase or word – be it dialect, jargon or slang – all the examples that you face. This will make it easier to keep in mind the expressions and help you get a better idea of how the English language is used in everyday life.


#4 Imitate Your Favorite Writers

It is important to mention that imitation is not about plagiarizing the works of any other writer. You’re not supposed to rip off anyone’s writing sample. Ever.

Just as you probably have some online blogs you prefer reading, you also have the writers that are always on your reading list. One of the good tips here is to identify what exactly it is that you like about their style, and see if you can use it to develop your own writing skills. Do you think this or that author uses special humor tricks to spice up the plot? Try it. Doe he or she like to use special stats to make the written work useful? Try it as well.


#5 Enjoy Custom Writing & Editing Assistance

When you’re stuck with the college assignment and realize you can’t bring the words together, it’s recommended to accept constructive criticism about your work. The latter can be found at any cheap and expensive custom writing services available on the web. Feel free to approach the custom essay writing service like PaperWritingHelp.net or any other to get the best assignment samples for international students and useful tips on how to deal with the paper drafting and writing on your own. You can buy a custom written piece from the service like PaperWritingHelp.net or, if you’re serious about your work, it’s best to approach a trusted writer with “Please, help me boost my writing skills” message. For a reasonable prices, a dedicated expert will provide you with a range of recommendations and exercises you’ll have to take to bring your prose up to the next level.


#6 Engage with the Bloggers and Writers

It doesn’t matter what your essay is going to be about, it is likely that there are many other college and university students doing the same. Make sure to get in touch with them via emails or approach them via their blogs. Just make friends and ensure to ask them for some professional comments or feedbacks. Do not be shy since the bloggers are usually very generous and friendly by nature and you will be really happy to give you a helping hand.

Yes, you might have some tough times till you can finally make it, but with practice comes progress!



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